Ultrasound Fat Reduction
Fat reduction and skin tightening
This treatment consists of 4 elements designed to break down fat, help eliminate it from the body as well as tighten the skin:
Infrared to prepare the cells
Ultrasound to break down fat
RF to tighten the skin
Derma massage to smooth the skin
Infrared is used first to heat the skin and prepare the cells.
The ultrasound then targets and breaks down fatty acids and glycerol stored within the cells. The vascular and lymph system then carries the waste to the liver and is then excreted from the body via the kidneys.
Radio Frequency is then used - the energy emitted converts to heat in the deeper layers of the skin. It causes contraction of the existing collagen fibres and stimulates new collagen synthesis. As a result, the skin’s structure, texture and tone are great improved.
Finally we use Derma massage, this modality creates a vacuuming massage for the body which combines mechanical massage with simultaneous suction of the skin. It is also known as “endermology”. Working deep into the connective tissue it is excellent in the management of cellulite, creating a much smoother contour. Microcirculation is improved and lymphatic drainage is boosted.
Please note Ultrasound Fat Reduction (aka Ultrasonic Body Contouring) is not a treatment for obesity – it is designed for the safe and effective removal of unwanted fatty deposits which are resistant to exercise, allowing contouring and reduction in the circumference of abdominal, thigh and flank (love handle) regions of the body. It cannot be used as a substitute for good diet and exercise.